Sunday, November 16, 2008

Big Kids

God speaks to me frequently through my daughter. Not that she realizes it, I'm sure.

[obvious]Children can be incredibly frustrating.[/obvious]

Over and over, in the times when I am at my wits end with them, it seems I can feel God looking over my shoulder, nodding, and saying, "Yeah, I know exactly how you feel."
He then clears His throat and looks at me pointedly, and I say, "Oh, right. Yeah. Sorry about that."

I haven't figured out whether it is chance, divine intervention, or some underlying natural law beyond my understanding, but I find over and over that my children's bad behavior mirrors my own bad behavior. On the one hand, it helps me in my dealing with them, because I can empathize with them, and on the other it makes me very thankful that God loves children of every age, and that He's a lot more patient than I am.

1 comment:

Brandon and Jenny said...

"but I find over and over that my children's bad behavior mirrors my own bad behavior."

It's no wonder where my son learned to throw a toy when he gets mad or run and kick something after he's seen me whip something across the room in frustration.


I hope I teach him more good than bed things. I would never have grown up if not for marriage and children.