Today I am in Geek-babel mode. I have a theory about artificial intelligence, based primarily on my own musings while staring at the inside of my windshield while barrelling down 380 between McKinney and Denton. It goes something like this:
The processing power of a mind is inversely proportionate to the amount of "personality" that mind possesses.
Within the human range of minds, the two extremes could be represented by Raymond Babbitt on one end, and Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel on the other end.
Raymond Babbitt is a powerful number cruncher, able to count toothpicks instantly, counting cards in Las Vegas, and remembering every case ever to appear before Wapner. He also has no personality whatsoever.
Cletus is a goldmine of personality. You might even say he has it in excess. He also can't count to 11.
The idea is that as a computer is made more human in personality, it will begin to lose processing power, till it reaches the point where an A+ Turring-tested A.I. would spend it's time, not using its vast intellect to solve extremely complicated global issues, but making "pull my finger" jokes. And not understanding why that joke isn't funny when you don't have a finger. Anyway, it's a thought.
I really miss having people to talk to. I think I'm going peculiar.
1 comment:
"going" peculiar? That would seem to indicate a future-present. I think "gone" would have been a better use. That would indicate past-present.
word verification: wompate. neat.
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