In order to avoid writing a full post when I feel like poo (flu) I will pose a question, or rather an unfinished sentence, and see how people answer it:
Because of horror movies...
I'll start off with a few examples.
... I always look in the backseat when I open my car at night.
... when I go for walks I unconsciously scout the area for zombie/werewolf proof escape routes. Rooftops are good.
... I never repeat anything in front of a mirror.
Why is it clowns are so scary?
Because of horror movies...
...I always run faster when the spooky violin music begins.
...hit people with my car who are stumbling in the road (could be zombies)
...make sure when I kill a bad guy I chop his head off and show it to the Israelites. Oh wait...that's another story.
...open fire on all flocks of birds greater than 20 and within range of my house.
Clowns are scary because of the scene in Poltergeist and the movie It.
Because of horror movies...
...I slept with a light on nearby until I was 30.
...I always know which nearby items I could use as a weapon if I need to.
...if I am in a hotel, I first check the windows and under the bed.
...yeah, the bird thing, too. I scream and duck whenever I see one flying at me.
Because of Horror Movies....
...I refuse to open any type of puzzle box, metal ones especially make my bladder spasm. You never know when fishhooks will shoot out and rip you to pieces not to mention open a portal to hell.
...have to check the toilet for giant rats, snakes, and alligators before sitting.
...can't sleep in a waterbed. There are either dead bodies floating in there or a psycho killer with an unquenched thirst for my blood
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