Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Learned Behaviors

In order to avoid writing a full post when I feel like poo (flu) I will pose a question, or rather an unfinished sentence, and see how people answer it:

Because of horror movies...

I'll start off with a few examples.

... I always look in the backseat when I open my car at night.

... when I go for walks I unconsciously scout the area for zombie/werewolf proof escape routes. Rooftops are good.

... I never repeat anything in front of a mirror.

Friday, February 13, 2009

In Honor of the premiere episode of "Dollhouse," AFATC presents: Joss Whedon Pitches a TV Show.

Joss: Ok, so here's the story. There's this girl, who grows up fairly normal. But then one day she's given these amazing powers and uses them to fight evil, though she really just wants to be a normal girl and have a normal life.

Exec: Have you developed any other characters?

Joss: I was thinking there would be this kind of dorky but lovable guy whose always joking around. He'll get a lot of the good lines. And there be another girl whose cute but kind of mousy who'll be her friend. And then maybe an older guy who's kind of a scholar and will be the voice of reason and the conscience for the other characters. Oh, and there'll be this one guy who appears at first to be the antagonist, but who ends up being a good guy. She'll have some sort of close relationship with him.

Exec: And these character's will what? fight crime or something?

Joss: Well, sort of. They basically do good, but they kind of operate under the radar because if the authorities knew what they were doing they'd get in big trouble. Oh, and one last thing. We need to make sure that only like, 25% of the actors have careers after the show is cancelled.

Exec: Consider it done.


And do we want him to stop? Of course not. The man's a genius with a formula. Nobody said to Michelangelo, "Hey, instead of all the Madonna's and naked flying babies, why don't you paint a volcano erupting, or a rocket powered bear or something?" No, because they didn't have rockets. Or bears I think. But nobody would have said that anyway, and Michael N' Jello wouldn't have listened if they had, because he knew he had a good thing going.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

These kind of things don't happen in real life.

So, the other day the girls went outside to play and accidentally let the dog out. He immediately took off down the street, and when Lindsay went after him he ran into a neighbor's house. They had left the front door open. The husband was doing yard work out front. Unfortunately, he didn't speak English. He was able to indicate with many gestures and foreign phrases that she should just go inside and get the dog. Inside the house, the wife was washing dishes and completely ignoring the dog playing in the kitchen with their goat. They had a house goat. Jack and the goat were playing in the kitchen, while this woman was washing dishes and ignoring some stranger who came into her kitchen to catch a dog who was playing with a goat. What I'm trying to get across here was that my dog ran into someone else's house and found a goat, and Lindsay (the only one who knew what was going on) was the only one who didn't just shrug the whole thing off. I really don''t have anywhere to go with this.