It is late at night. My wife and I are quietly typing and/or reading and enjoying the peace, and Jack is asleep on the other side of the room, launching an assault on that peace. The sound is like 20 dinner guests eating jello out of champagne flutes. The smell is pungent and vigorous. It changes its character slightly with each iteration so that there is never any hope of acclimation. I fear he might be seriously ill, or possibly dead. I'm going to go poke him. Be right back
He's alive. He's also out of my bedroom. This is a move I support wholeheartedly.
It has been suggested, by someone very close to me, that if you just remove your hand from your face, you would just get used to the smell.
Getting used to the smell is accepting the problem rather than fixing it.
Some things are not meant for acclamation. Your old dog Molly could clear a room though. Whew. Of course, so could Ian's cat Inky. RIP stinkys.
Great description with the Jello being sucked out of champagne flutes. Hahaha.
word verification: rufch
I rufched when I smelled the stink.
The worst was Maggie, my parents dog. She delivered a sound like the filtration system on a fish tank and left stains on the floor and upholstery.
Word Verification: Picatele
She left STAINS on the floor? Bleah.
Word vert: Psychan!
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