It's amazing what we forgive in a person as long as the script labels them as the hero. We just got done watching a fairly well-known movie in which the hero is a remorseless mass-murderer. He is responsible for robbing and killing thousands of innocent people, a fact he talks about in the same way people talk about mowing their lawn. He gains control of a gang of criminals after killing their leader and uses them to kidnap his ex-girlfriend on the night of her wedding. At the end of the movie he finds a kindred spirit just as blood-thirsty and amoral as him and offers to teach him the trade.
I am, of course, referring to The Princess Bride.
It follows for other well loved fictional heroes as well.
- Grandiose sense of self-worth
- Superficial charm
- Criminal versatility
- Reckless disregard for the safety of self or others
- Inability to tolerate boredom
- Pathological narcissism
- Shallow affect
- Deceitfulness/manipulativeness
- Aggressive or violent tendencies, repeated physical fights or assaults on others
- Lack of empathy
- Lack of remorse, indifferent to or rationalizes having hurt or mistreated others
- A sense of extreme entitlement
- Lack of or diminished levels of anxiety/nervousness and other emotions
- Promiscuous sexual behavior, sexually deviant lifestyle
The above is a list of the characteristics of a psychopath. They also describe James Bond and every character that was poured into the same mold. I think I could safely define a modern Hollywood hero as:
A person who most people would like to be, but would not like to sit next to on a bus.